In 2024 we are introducing annual festival themes highlighting the work of one of our program areas and the social issue or function it is designed to serve. This year the theme “Who We Are…Where We Are…How We Are” amplifies the anti-displacement organizing work of our CACE 21 program.
With the introduction of annual themes we are doubly proud to announce the creation of Walk the Block Institute, a day-long series of activities informed by the annual theme. Walk the Block Institute brings together artists, community members, organizers and subject matter experts to apply creative thinking and ideation to the concrete challenges Wa Na Wari addresses through its many different programs.
Walk the Block Institute occurs the day before the Walk the Block Art Festival!
While Walk the Block is free this year, we encourage everyone to register, so we can provide you with your digital Walk the Block map ahead of time.
We’re also offering VIP tickets this year which include: food prepared by Chef Donna Moodie of Marjorie Restaurant, an Aura photo, drink tickets, and a headlining performance by Aliah Sheffield.
DAY ONE: Walk the Block Institute
Friday September 27 10am - 7pm
at Mount Zion Baptist Church
DAY TWO: Walk the Block Art Festival
Saturday, September 28, 1pm-6pm
DAY ONE: Walk the Block Institute
Our Walk the Block Institute keynote speaker will be Germane Barnes, a Miami-based architect, designer and educator. Germane Barnes’ research and design practice investigates the connection between architecture and identity. Mining architecture’s social and political agency, he examines how the built environment influences black domesticity. Currently, he is an Associate Professor and Director of the Community Housing Identity Lab (CHIL) at the University Of Miami School Of Architecture. Barnes is the 2021 Harvard GSD Wheelwright Prize winner, Rome Prize Fellow and winner of the Architectural League Prize. His design and research contributions have been published and exhibited in several international institutions. Most notably, The Museum of Modern Art, Pin-Up Magazine, The Graham Foundation, The New York Times, Architect Magazine, DesignMIAMI/ Art Basel, The Swiss Institute, Metropolis Magazine, Curbed, and The National Museum of African American History where he was identified as one of the future designers on the rise. He has recently been selected as one of Wallpaper USA’s 400 list, which “honors the people defining America’s creative landscape in 2024.”
The Central Area Cultural EcoSystem, 21st Century (CACE 21) is Wa Na Wari’s community organizing initiative that seeks to build community power and capacity amongst Black Central District homeowners and Black cultural workers to advocate for land use policies that lower the barriers to creating more cultural spaces based on the Wa Na Wari model.
In this model, Black homeowners would be able to convert all or portions of homes they own into “micro-cultural spaces” where individual artists and small arts groups can administer, create, and present their cultural works as a community activity and public benefit. These spaces would be scalable for neighborhood life, responsive to the needs and norms of Black communal life, and would provide economic opportunities for Black homeowners and new opportunities for displaced cultural workers alike. Our vision is a response to the housing affordability crisis that is impacting residential, commercial, and cultural opportunities for Seattleites at large and Black Seattleites in particular.
During Walk the Block Institute, CACE 21 will lead a series of Creative Community Building Workshops (stay tuned for details)! Register for Walk the Block Institute Here!
DAY TWO: Walk the Block Art Festival
Walk the Block is Wa Na Wari’s annual outdoor visual and performing arts festival that transforms Central District homes, businesses, parks, porches, and other common spaces into art installations and performance sites. Participants will enjoy visual 2d and sculptural art, video installations, live music, dance parties, community stories, and more as they stroll the neighborhood with family and friends. Walk the Block is a chance to experience a slice of African American culture that defined the Central District as the hub for Black life in Washington State for over 70 years. Walk the Block brings visibility to a community that continues to adapt and grow in place, while creating a bridge to new residents who have recently arrived.
Walk the Block is also an important player in the revitalization of Seattle’s cultural community and economy at large. Development led to the displacement of working class people across the city, artists in particular. For a city whose international renown is partly anchored in the contributions of its artists, this continues to be a local challenge. Re-seeding the cultural landscape with opportunities for artists to live, work, and present is increasingly a public policy priority. Walk the Block is a draw for art lovers at large, and for public officials looking to support this vital sector and keep Seattle accessible and diverse all while helping to raise funds and build community with Wa Na Wari.
Participating artists at the 2024 Walk The Block Art Festival include:
Tiffany Alfonseca, Xenobia Bailey, Brown Calculus, Larry Cook, Ariel Dannielle, Day Soul Exquisite, Marita Dingus, The Floating Museum, Couzyn van Heuvelen, C. Davida Ingram, Elisheba Johnson, Mendi + Keith, Berette S Macaulay, Josh Nucci, Shanice Smith, Ric’kisha Taylor, Vis-à-Vis Society, Tariqa Waters, Inye Wokoma, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Arnaldo James, and Ezra Wube.
While general admission is free this year, we encourage everyone to register, so we can provide you with your digital Walk the Block map ahead of time.
We’re also offering VIP tickets this year, for $175. VIP tickets include: food prepared by Chef Donna Moodie of Marjorie Restaurant, an Aura photo, drink tickets, and a headlining performance by Aliah Sheffield.
Walk the Block 2024 Artists
Check back daily as the list of artists is growing!
Aliah Sheffield
Davida Ingram
Brown Calculus
Ariel Dannielle
Shanice Smith -Cousoumeh Collective
Germane Barnes
Larry Cook
Ric'kisha Taylor
Day Soul Exquisite
Her Royal Flyness Xenobia Bailey
Marita Dingus
Tariqa Waters
Berette S Macaulay
Revere XR / Yolanda Burton
Vis-à-Vis Society
Alexis Pauline Gumbs
Josh Nucci
Tiffany Alfonseca
Couzyn van Heuvelen
Floating Museum
Arnaldo James
DeeJay Hershe
Kreole E.
Seattle Black Spatial Histories Institute
DaeZhane Day
DJ JusMoni
Temple Mosaic
Akoiya Harris
Nia Amina-Minor
Annie Franklin
Gansango Music and Dance
Whether you are a business or individual, you can join us in bringing more joy, possibility, belonging, and ownership to Seattle,
through art, connection, and community storytelling.
Sponsor Walk the Block or Donate to Wa Na Wari!