Donations to Wa Na Wari are tax deductible through our 501c3 Fiscal Sponsor, the Northwest Film Forum.

There isn’t a single thing we accomplished in the past five years that we could have done without you. All the dreams we’ve realized, we realized together, with you. The next five years promise to be even more exciting. Help us start the next leg of our journey. Donate today.

Ways to Give:
If you would like to join our monthly Rent Club, making an automatic contribution each month, you simply select "Make This a Monthly Donation" once you're in the donation portal.

We also encourage contributions to specific areas of our programming.

  • Our arts programming amplifies the work of local, regional, national, and international Black and Indigenous artists through exhibits, performances, workshops, and our annual Walk the Block festival

  • Our homeowner organizing, CACE21, is building collective power with Black homeowners to find creative solutions for anchoring Black ownership. Contributions to CACE21 support direct, grassroots, anti-displacement organizing.

  • The Seattle Black Spatial Histories Institute has expanded its scope and cohort size and encourages anyone with a love for community history to make a donation to this program.

Simply include a note with your contribution if you’d like to support a specific program. Thank you!

If you prefer to send Wa Na Wari a tax-deductible donation in the mail, you can send a check to Christopher Day, Northwest Film Forum, 1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 and add a note on the check that your donation is for Wa Na Wari.