Ekphrastic Writing: In this hour and a half, we will spend time with an exhibit, in observation, before using responsive prompts as writing guides for generating new ekphrastic work. We'll conclude each session with an opportunity to share the work together, in dialogue with the pieces that inspired us.
Tuesday, March 18th, 6-7:30pm
Wa Na Wari, 911 24th Ave, Seattle, 98122
Amber Flame is an interdisciplinary artist garnering residencies with Hedgebrook, Baldwin for the Arts, Millay Arts, and more. A former church kid from the Southwest, Flame’s first collection of poetry, Ordinary Cruelty, published in 2017 through Write Bloody Press. Flame’s second book, apocrifa, a love story told in verse, launched May 2023 from Red Hen Press. Flame is Deputy Publisher at Generous Press, a new romance venture publishing inclusive love stories, and Program Director for Hedgebrook, a literary organization serving women. Amber Flame is a queer Black dandy mama who falls hard for a jumpsuit and some fresh kicks.