Tabita Rezaire
The moon has always inspired the hearts and minds while regulating many cycles our eco-bio-social systems: from the tides to our emotional territories,
menstruations, germination, celestial celebrations and the measure of time. Now also a strategic asset within global spatial politics, the moon is home to vast array of speculation, conspiration, as well as scientific, spiritual and environmental teachings.
In a quest to learn and share Moon wisdoms across time and space, the 12 video-channel dome of Satellite Devotion presents a constellation of Moon stories
from astrophysics to cosmology, astrology, agriculture, healing, history, magic, meditation, theology and spatial politics. Under the guidance of the moon and the many lands and people who have cultivated and honored her teachings, Satellite Devotion shares the blessings of guardians of Moon wisdom across the World. Satellite Devotion is a call to live in moon time and bring our body-mind-spirits in alignment with the rhythm of the moon. Through astronomical observation, poetry readings, lunar yogic practices, storytelling, moon calculation, meditation, and offerings the moon wisdoms gathered here harvest the power and mysteries of our beloved satellite. Satellite Devotion is an invitation to build intimacy with the moon, an opportunity to experience her depth, and an ode to her glow.
Tabita Rezaire is infinity longing to experience itself in human form. Her path as an artist, devotee, yogi, doula, and soon to be farmer is all geared towards manifesting the divine in herself and beyond. As an eternal seeker, Tabita’s yearning for connection finds expression in her cross-dimensional practices, which envision network sciences - organic, electronic and spiritual - as healing technologies to serve the shift towards heart consciousness.
Embracing digital, corporeal and ancestral memory, she digs into scientific imaginaries and mystical realms to tackle the colonial wounds and energetic imbalances that affect the songs of our body-mind-spirits. Through screen interfaces and healing circles, her offerings aim to nurture our collective growth and expand our capacity for togetherness.
Tabita is based near Cayenne in French Guyana, where she is currently studying Agriculture and birthing AMAKABA - her vision for collective healing in the Amazonian forest. Tabita is devoted to becoming a mother to the world.